Thursday, November 8, 2012

Internship at Patients Know Best, July 2012 by Tobi Isaac Obisanya, 4th Year Intercalating Medical Student at Imperial College London

During my 4 week internship at Patients Know Best, I learnt about and got involved in the raw process of starting and establishing a business; to summarize it quickly. But this was not just any business, this was one that was changing paradigms in the way patient care is done.

Working with Dr Al Ubaydli & the PKB team was inspiring, and I would say that I learnt three things from this placement.

One, you need to be passionate about what you do. Dr Al Ubaydli's passion for his work is his best asset because it is only through a true conviction in what you are doing that you will ever be able to get people to one invest in it and two for it to grow and become a sustainable organic organisation.

Two, it takes a good understanding and research of the market/environment in which you want to function to have an impact and carve out a legacy in it.

Three, it takes time to establish anything; a business, a well functional system or idea. Patience & continued belief in yourself & your idea is vital.

It is fair to say that aside from it being all about business, there were also important life lessons taken. I also assisted the companies CFO to create a tangible visual depiction of the companies vision & business plan using IT which was exciting and allowed me to add value to their efforts to raise capital. I completed the internship before beginning my intercalated year in Business and Healthcare Management at the Imperial Business School which I would highly recommend to all medical students.

My time at PKB has been invaluable and given me an edge even in the first 2 weeks of the course, as there were many aspects of business & healthcare I explored during my internship. Although interning at a still growing company can be a bit hectic and your role can be uncertain/undefined at times - it has been an invaluable experience to be a part of and to understanding how this pioneering company is doing the great work it is currently doing and building a bright future for patient care in the ever-changing NHS landscape.

Link to Patients Know Best website

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